
Meet Brett McGovern

I’ve been crazy about art since I was introduced to fingerpaints as a kid. Over the years I’ve toyed with many mediums—from oil to charcoal to conte to sculpture. Yet I love multi-media work the best, and my art focus has led me into the world of computer graphics, animation, and ultimately to the Rochester Institute of Technology where I’m in my senior year, majoring in film and animation.

On the artistic trail I’ve gone from traditional to far out, exploring design and artistry passionately, with the fruits of my labor ranging from humorous quotes to complex designs.

I love coming up with all of this and hope to share my work, whether funny margin scribbles, clever quotes, or time-consuming artwork,  with the world! In addition to my animation work, I’m even beginning to venture into logo design and video production consultation for businesses.

I invite you to catch up on my latest news, work, and portfolio additions via my blog, or to contact me directly to learn more about my artwork and how we might work together.


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